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Founders Column

We interview all types of founders from the tech ecosystem and they answer the same
10 questions in a reflective manner. This is a chance to peek into what drives founders
and their personal habits that makes them into who they are, both in success and failure.

Founders Column

We interview all types of founders from the tech ecosystem and they answer the same
10 questions in a reflective manner. This is a chance to peek into what drives founders
and their personal habits that makes them into who they are, both in success and failure.

Founders Column

We interview all types of founders from the tech ecosystem and they answer the same
10 questions in a reflective manner. This is a chance to peek into what drives founders
and their personal habits that makes them into who they are, both in success and failure.

Founders Column

We interview all types of founders from the tech ecosystem and they answer the same
10 questions in a reflective manner. This is a chance to peek into what drives founders
and their personal habits that makes them into who they are, both in success and failure.